Your guide to becoming an Eishes Chayil It is not for nothing that Eishes Chayil is sung in Jewish homes on Friday nights. ‏There is a connection between Eishes Chayil and Shabbos Kodesh. There are those who think that after the mother has worked so hard to prepare Shabbos, she deserves a song of appreciation, but this is not the reason. We see that in yeshivos and in hotels they also sing this song, even though the chef prepared the meals. ‏The connection is much deeper than that. ‏A mother is emunah. In lashon hakodesh, great significance is ascribed to the two first letters of the root of a word. The root of the word אמונה,faith, begins a mother. Shabbos, too, is the day of faith. The day of Shabbos is the source of all abundance. We have income for all seven days of the week from Shabbos, because Shabbos is the source of blessing. When a Yid inculcates in his heart the recognition that everything comes from the Creator, he merits shefa and brachah from the Ribono Shel Olam ‏The woman is similar to Shabbos. She is pure, burning faith. She is the internal tie to Hakodosh Baruch Hu. Just as Shabbos protects us and is the source of all blessing, so does the Eishes Chayil protect her family and bring blessing to her home. ‏Whether she was giving lectures for the Shalheves organization, teaching eager groups of women in private settings, or counseling individuals, Rebbetzin Yitty Neustadt a"h devoted her life to teaching women worldwide how to become an Eishes Chayil and reap the benefits in both worlds. ‏Like her illustrious father (Rav Ezriel Tauber ztz"l) before her, Rebbetzin Neustadt did not varnish the truth. With her candid style and endearing sense of humor, she transformed hearts and transformed homes. Now it is your turn to hear the emes. absorb it, and really live it. ‏Enjoy this vibrant translation of her Hebrew sefer, Mipeninim Michrah, as rendered into flowing English by one of her close talmidos. ‏True shalom bayis awaits you...